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Dec 6, 2010
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Hello all, you can call me Al! My iPhone 4 is my first iPhone, and I have had it since launch day. I love it terribly, but lately, I have had this unbearable desire to jailbreak my phone. Naturally, I know that there is a lot of potential danger in doing this, but the benefits seem to outweigh the risk, as of now. I am by no means a technology noob, but experience has taught me not jump into any tech endeavor without first researching it extensively, so I was hoping to learn the ropes here! I love heavy customization (one of the main reasons I want to jailbreak) and I have no problem editing extensive lines of text to achieve the perfect “look” :) I am excited to eventually jailbreak my iPhone but I am waiting until a legitimate 4.2.1 jailbreak comes along before I take the plunge! Any tips on how to prepare for a jailbreak would be greatly appreciated. It’s nice to meet you all!

No preparation required. Just a backup in iTunes to to safe. I've jailbroken the 3G, 3GS and now the iPhone 4 without any major problems. Nothing a restore could fix anyway...
Thanks DannyBoy! And that's relieving to know gaz, I'll just sit back and wait then, I suppose
So is your ip4 on fw 4.2.1? If so then youre right to wait for a legit jailbreak since the one out now is still junk. However if your phone is on 4.1 then i would say go ahead and do it now. Im sure you have done a great deal of research but heres a couple good pointers as far as jailbreaking. Always make sure to "back up" your phone in itunes. And always make sure to save your phone's "shsh blobs" so that your jailbreaking experience is nicer. Good luck.
So is your ip4 on fw 4.2.1? If so then youre right to wait for a legit jailbreak since the one out now is still junk. However if your phone is on 4.1 then i would say go ahead and do it now. Im sure you have done a great deal of research but heres a couple good pointers as far as jailbreaking. Always make sure to "back up" your phone in itunes. And always make sure to save your phone's "shsh blobs" so that your jailbreaking experience is nicer. Good luck.

Yeah, I upgraded it before I started considering jailbreaking, so it's all the way to 4.2.1 :\ Curious, what are SHSH Blobs? I've seen that term several times, but I have little understanding of it. Also, will I need some 3rd party program to save them? Or does iTunes do it?
iTunes asks your phone to send a few small packets of data (SHSH blobs) to apple's servers. Then, if everythings ok, they get 'signed' and sent back to iTunes. iTunes will only up/downgrade or restore a iPhone if it has these signed blobs. As far as I'm aware apple's servers will not sign blobs for phones that are restoring to a older firmware. That's why you need your blobs to downgrade so you can trick iTunes into thinking that they are signed...