I have Cydia installed and I'm running ios6.1.3, Using RedSn0w to boot tether and I am getting missing keys.plist data for this build error. Any advice is appreciated.
Thank you, I'm sure I am selecting the 6.0 IPSW I don't know if the IPSW is the same build as my device I have a Iphone 4 GSM Currently running iOS 6.1.3 (10B329). I am running iPhone3,1_6.0_10A403_Restore.ipsw...
If you have access to your springboard, you won't need to use RedSn0w or a computer at all. If you have access to your springboard, you'll have access to Cydia. You can install the P0sixspwn package from Saurik's default repository, and reboot your device. Your device is now untethered.
I don't have Cydia I guess, I'm trying a different firmware. But this one should be the right one. It starts to install Cydia and says its done but then i get that error msg from the top.
Only the IPSW has to be 6.0 if you're on 6.1.3-6.1.5. If you're on 6.0 through 6.1.2, you can use Evasi0n, which does not require an IPSW. If your device was previously jailbroken, you can't rejailbreak. You can use Sn0wBreeze to boot tethered.