HELP Please!! Problems with jailbreak!

HELP Please!! Problems with jailbreak!


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Feb 11, 2013
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Hey everyone, I've had all of my iPhones jailbroken in the last few years with minimal to no problems whatsoever. When the evasi0n break came out last week I immediately restored, updated, and rebroke my phone. Unfortunately after downloading Springtomize 2 I've encountered a really awful problem that has me ready to start pulling my hair out! When I selected "hide newsstand" under the icons section, it did, however, now my contacts and phone icon are missing, I've tried restoring and rebreaking twice now (tons of time spent on this), I've tried restoring my home screen via settings, nothing works, as soon as I rebreak my phone immediately upon downloading Springtomize 2 this happens. Also, I use Auxo and whether or not it's activated upon a double tap at the home screen a black section about 1/3 screen size pops up and will not go away unless I respring....I'm very familiar with how jailbreaks work and this one honestly has me at a loss, what is going on here and how do I fix it??? Any help will be greatly appreciated!
When you restore, are you restoring from backup? Sounds like there's a setting in your backup that's causing issues. Try doing a fresh restore and setting up as new iPhone.
Any way to do that without losing my apps and message/notes data?
Yes I am restoring from backup, however, I really don't want to lose my app and messaging data
It only happens after I download Springtomize 2 then both icons immediately disappear and whenever I double click to access app switcher or auxo the bottom 3rd of my screen goes black and will not go away until resprung.
That means there's a springtomize setting in your backup causing the issue. The only solution is to set up as a new device. You can sync contacts with Google and you can extract photos from a backup file using iphone backup extractor.
So realistically if I use iphone backup extractor I won't lose any of my data/multimedia?
As long as you have a backup file stored locally on your computer you can always use an extraction program to retrieve SMS, contacts, photos, etc. Whenever I upgrade to a new firmware, I always set up as a new device because in the past, restoring from backup has ALWAYS caused issues for me.
No problem! Another route you could take would be to use PKGBackup and only backup certain things(not app settings). If you are concerned about saving progress for games or anything, you can use AppBackup.

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