help with MyWi

help with MyWi


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Jun 21, 2011
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Savannah, GA
Ok I'm sick of Comcast cutting their internet everyday for 2 hours and I want to buy MyWi. It works great tethered with a usb cable...I'm using it now on my laptop to type this... However, I CANNOT get it to connect via the wireless hotspot. Ive tried an iPad2 as well as my laptop and they see it, they just cant connect. Since I cant attatch a usb cable to the ipad, its hard to justify the cost when I can only tether the laptop with a cord....Any ideas or help is greatly appreciated..
OJsakila said:
Ok I'm sick of Comcast cutting their internet everyday for 2 hours and I want to buy MyWi. It works great tethered with a usb cable...I'm using it now on my laptop to type this... However, I CANNOT get it to connect via the wireless hotspot. Ive tried an iPad2 as well as my laptop and they see it, they just cant connect. Since I cant attatch a usb cable to the ipad, its hard to justify the cost when I can only tether the laptop with a cord....Any ideas or help is greatly appreciated..

To honest with I totally think MyWi is a total rip off. $20 and it can easily be detected and blocked.

Go with a tweak called TetherMe. Sooo much better, completely untraceable and it uses the native tethering settings in the native

Why pay $20 dollars for a tethering app when you can pay $5 once for a very functional, undetectable, native tethering experience.

I tether to my lap top, and iPod 4G wirelessly all the time with no problems. Works great with bluetooth, USB, and Wifi with no problems.

Ya haven't actually given Intelliborn $20 for MyWi yet have you???

I hope Total rip off. Intelliborn does have great tweaks but they charge ridiculously for very one of them...especially since there is always a tweak that does the same thing for less then half the price.

The only tweak from Intelliborn that's worth spending a stupid amount of money on is IntelliScreenX. now that tweak actually is worth buying...wouldn't quite say its worth $10 but I certainly do not regret buying it. It's awesome.

But yeah...MyWi is a rip off...get TetherMe. 5 bucks...much better. ;)
To honest with I totally think MyWi is a total rip off. $20 and it can easily be detected and blocked.

Go with a tweak called TetherMe. Sooo much better, completely untraceable and it uses the native tethering settings in the native

Why pay $20 dollars for a tethering app when you can pay $5 once for a very functional, undetectable, native tethering experience.

I tether to my lap top, and iPod 4G wirelessly all the time with no problems. Works great with bluetooth, USB, and Wifi with no problems.

Ya haven't actually given Intelliborn $20 for MyWi yet have you???

I hope Total rip off. Intelliborn does have great tweaks but they charge ridiculously for very one of them...especially since there is always a tweak that does the same thing for less then half the price.

The only tweak from Intelliborn that's worth spending a stupid amount of money on is IntelliScreenX. now that tweak actually is worth buying...wouldn't quite say its worth $10 but I certainly do not regret buying it. It's awesome.

But yeah...MyWi is a rip off...get TetherMe. 5 bucks...much better. ;)

Wow thanks for the info.. I'm going to check that out RIGHT NOW
Thanks again!!!!!
Ok I am very impressed. Tell me more... Is it really this easy? It connected! All I did was download
Very affordable. Yea I think mywi is overpriced now... Plus it seems very difficult to set up...
How long have you used it? It's seems incredible tO me that this could be that
OJsakila said:
Ok I am very impressed. Tell me more... Is it really this easy? It connected! All I did was download
Very affordable. Yea I think mywi is overpriced now... Plus it seems very difficult to set up...
How long have you used it? It's seems incredible tO me that this could be that is awesome.

I have used every Tethering tweak there is...first MyWi...which did work with USB tethering and wifi tethering, but I could only get wifi tethering to work with other wifi device,....I couldn't get it to wirelessly tether to my lap top.

Then tried PDA NET. Which works...and works okay I guess. You have to download and install something on the computer you want to tether to. Plus I could not get wireless tethering to work with that either.

Then I tried TetherMe...having been using it for over a year and it's great...especially since the new has been working flawlessly since the update that removed it's dependencies to make it a single deb package. After that I have been having zero problem. (as before I would randomly stop working.idk).

But that's all there is to it man. Really. Once you activate it in the jailbreak section in the, the iPhones native "Personal Hotspot" tab appears just like as if it was legitimately turned on by your carrier.

Pretty sweet;)
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Yea this is HOT. Thank you so much for turning me on tO this tweak.. I'm really excited to use this when Comcast goes out.... Which is every gd day! Lol.
Thanks again and more people should be aware of this great Cydia tweak!
OJsakila said:
Yea this is HOT. Thank you so much for turning me on tO this tweak.. I'm really excited to use this when Comcast goes out.... Which is every gd day! Lol.
Thanks again and more people should be aware of this great Cydia tweak!

Yeah...more people probably would if Cydia didn't advertise the he** out of it. It shows on Cydia's home page sometimes as a featured tweak...Intelliborn has some type of agreement Saurik to advertise MyWi on the home page and really promote the people just recognize it as the best tethering tweak........even tho it's

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