Help with setting up TWO email accounts onto apple devices

Help with setting up TWO email accounts onto apple devices


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Aug 1, 2013
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I hope that this question is in the right place, and hope that you guys can offer some advice!

My Mum and Dad have PC based email from Outlook Express, and they each have a different email address that both feed into the same inbox.

Mum now has an iPad (4 on iOS 7) and and iPhone (4s on iOS 7).

I have successfully set up her apple devices to receive email from her Outlook Express account.

What I cannot do is add my Dad's Outlook Express account to the apple devices.

I am duplicating the settings exactly and the account names and passwords are correct.

Is what I am trying to do even possible?

I want to add BOTH of their Outlook Express accounts to the apple devices, so they receive email from both accounts on the apple devices, just like their Outlook Express emails do on their PC.

Google searches are not offering anything related to this issue.

I hope that someone can offer some advice!

With thanks,

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Personally I would set up either one or 2 gmail accounts. Forward the outlook accounts to gmail. Install mailbox on both iPad and iPhone and sync the gmail accounts. It works. I have 5 gmail accounts all accessable from mailbox on 4 different iOS devices. Ps I sometimes use the gmail app as well as mailbox.
Yes it works just fine, I have multiple accounts on both mine and my wifes Iphone.
What kind of accounts are they?ie pop3 imap smtp exchange etc Outlook express doesn't tell me anything.
How are you setting them up? When you go to add an account are you choosing "other"?

The Google account is a work around but not really necessary.
Personally I would set up either one or 2 gmail accounts. Forward the outlook accounts to gmail

That's a great idea, thank you. I am a determined person though, and really would like to crack the problem here, if at all possible!
Yes it works just fine, I have multiple accounts on both mine and my wifes Iphone.
What kind of accounts are they?ie pop3 imap smtp exchange etc Outlook express doesn't tell me anything.
How are you setting them up? When you go to add an account are you choosing "other"?

Hello! Its great to hear that my problem can be solved.

Yes, when setting them up, I am selecting "other", as opposed to "Outlook", "Exchange", "Yahoo" etc.

The accounts I am trying to add are old pop3 accounts. The incoming server is a pop account and the outgoing server is smtp.

I am mirroring the working account details EXACTLY when trying to set up the second account, even down to the pop account 'description', leaving optional information blank, using the same outgoing server port number and disabling SSL.

I just cannot figure where I am going wrong!

Thank you for your input, it is good of you to try and help out.
I am mirroring the working account details EXACTLY when trying to set up the second account, even down to the pop account 'description',
Is it possible that this is the problem? Since the description is what appears in your list of accounts in the mail app, I would think that you wouldn't be allowed to give two accounts the exact same name. You say that you can't add the second account, but you don't say why. Does it give you an error message? Does it appear to complete the setup but then not show up in the accounts list? I'd try to give the second account a different name.
You say that you can't add the second account, but you don't say why. Does it give you an error message? Does it appear to complete the setup but then not show up in the accounts list? I'd try to give the second account a different name.

That's a very good suggestion, thank you.

I will try that later and report back. I will also report the error message to try and make this a bit clearer.

Thanks again.
I am still having difficulties, although I think the problem is maybe half sorted.

I deleted all email accounts on the iPad and the iPhone and started again.

Firstly I set up Mum's pop3 account on the i devices. It worked correctly, as before.

Unfortunately, setting up Dads pop3 account on the devices is only half working, I will explain why after I explain how I have attempted to set the second account up.

Start as 'other account' and follow the same basic process as the first account.
It fails because of an 'imap' error.
I change the 'imap' setting at the top to 'pop', and change the domain address from 'imap' to 'pop
It fails, and asks if I would like to try again without SSL.
I try this, and it half works....

...half works in that if I send a test email to the problematic account from my hotmail account logged in on a PC - nothing.

However, if I send a test email to the problematic account from my hotmail account from my iPhone - it arrives.

Can anybody help explain why that might be?

I realise that I have not explained this in the most clear or technical manner, and I apologise and thank you for bearing with me!
Forget all that.

It all works now.

Perhaps it just needed a few minutes to work itself out.

Does the process I set them up in make any sense to anyone?

I don't really understand how I've managed to get it working!
It was my understanding the Hotmail has been abandoned and now it's only Outlook.
I had the same problem setting up my Hotmail on the iPhone with this update.
I googled the problem, typed in what it said and it just worked.
I received an email from outlook a month or so ago stating that I would need to switch from hotmail SOON whatever that means.
Glad u got it working!
That is a possibility.

You are right about hotmail now being Outlook. Mine was automatically changed several months ago, but since my address is hotmail, and I've had the address for eleven years, I still call it a hotmail account.

It's been a pain, the change over has resulted in a slow running process.

Any more thoughts on the original problem would be most welcome.

Thanks again to everyone who has contributed.

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