


New Member
Thread Starter
Jan 26, 2011
Reaction score
Elmsdale, NS, Canada
Hey everyone,
Just bought the Iphone 4 today, and very excited to have it!

My g/f has had the 3GS for 6 months now after i told her about the iphone and she bought one just to spite me lol. so when my contract was up i went and got the 4 as soon as i could and i love it!

I'm from eastern Canada, and joined here cause i love this phone and want to get all the useful info i can on it and want to use the phone to it's full potential

You'll find plenty of usefull info here, anything you can't find out by using the search function dont be afraid to ask...
Thanks, so far I'm finding this phone the most user friendly phone I've had yet, so I haven't run into anything yet. I love how easy it is to make ring tones! Something I couldn't do with my old BB
Ringtones can be made in iTunes. It's not as simple as most people would like but easy when you know how, see here.

There is also some apps on the app store that can create them on your phone from your iPod music but you only get one or two unless you pay for the full versions...