Hello everyone, andI'm from Brazil;
I'mabeginner, I bought myfirstiPhone,a4s.
I've donewiththe jailbreak0.4.3Cinject, andis workingnice ...
My questionis this, I searchedin severalforumsbut found nothingabout"unlocking"theBluetooth4s.
I tried to installiBluetoothandibluenova,installedwithout aproblem butdo not open.TheCelestedoes not install,says it is notcompatible withIOS5.0.1.
ButI did not findanything about it.
So come on,anyone know anyappthat runs on4sto sharefilewith otherBluetoothdevices,or evennewer versions ofiBluetoothibluenovaorCelesteorthat work?
Regards to all
I'mabeginner, I bought myfirstiPhone,a4s.
I've donewiththe jailbreak0.4.3Cinject, andis workingnice ...
My questionis this, I searchedin severalforumsbut found nothingabout"unlocking"theBluetooth4s.
I tried to installiBluetoothandibluenova,installedwithout aproblem butdo not open.TheCelestedoes not install,says it is notcompatible withIOS5.0.1.
ButI did not findanything about it.
So come on,anyone know anyappthat runs on4sto sharefilewith otherBluetoothdevices,or evennewer versions ofiBluetoothibluenovaorCelesteorthat work?
Regards to all