How can I use my iphones Internet With My Mac?

How can I use my iphones Internet With My Mac?

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Dec 1, 2011
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Ok so I have a Iphone 4 with firmware 5.0 on ATT. I want to be able to use my data network with my phone on my computer at my office. I do not want to jailbreak my phone at this time (since no solid jailbreak is released) And I also dont want to pay the ridiculous price att wants to charge. Is there anyway to do this???
Without jail breaking your iPhone??? :) and without paying what ATT want??? :)
Let's recap, shall we?

You want to use your plan on your phone that you pay for ~ on your computer, but you don't want to pay for using it on your computer, since in your eyes you already pay a "ridiculous price" on your iphone?

So ~ in other words ~ can you do that without being a pirate?

Am I getting this?
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1st off i already pay the $25 a month for the 2gb plan i should be entitled to use that 2gb's no matter how i do it, I shouldnt have to "pay extra" for the opportunity to use data i already pay for... Hows that being a pirate?
I'm not sure. I could be totally wrong here. Does AT&T allow us to pay for their plan on our iphones and then use it on other devices, for free? I really have no clue ~ but if that was the case can't you just call them and ask them how to do it?
no they dont they expect you to pay an additional $45 to use your data plan on another device.... its a crock
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