How do I upgrade JB'd iP4 v4.0.1 to 4.1?

How do I upgrade JB'd iP4 v4.0.1 to 4.1?


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Jan 12, 2011
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Hi all,

I'll admit I'm being overly cautious, as I've been searching for threads that explicitly state what I'm looking for.

I'm running 4.0.1 on an already-jailbroken iPhone 4, done via Comex's last October.

I want to upgrade to 4.1 but unsure exactly how. I know 4.2.1 is imminent, but I have 2 apps that require 4.1 minimum that I would like to run today. The good news is, is that I do NOT need to unlock my phone.

I'd appreciate being pointed in the right direction showing how to go from 4.0.1 to 4.1 while already being jailbroken.

Thanks in advance and I'd be happy to provide further info if needed.
Check cydia to see if you have SHSH's saved for 4.1. It will be at the top in green. Should be there if you pressed the make my life easier button...
im not sure if this would work but you could download the 4.1 ipsw and then open up itunes and plug your idevice in and hold down option (mac) or shift (pc) then click update and select the 4.1 ipsw you downloaded but it might not work because you may need the 4.1 SHSH already saved but hey its worth a try
You need SHSH's saved. If it's done through cydia then you need to modify iTunes hosts file also...
Thanks gang, I can confirm that I do have 4.0.1, 4.0.2, 4.1, 4.21 and 4.2b3 blobs saved via Cydia.
Then it's simple,

Download the 4.1 firmware from apple here

You will need to modify the iTunes hosts file so it verifies the restore with cydia and not apple. To do this navigate to C:Windows\System32\drivers\etc and open the file hosts with notepad, at the bottom on a new line copy and past this;

Remember to save your changes. Now you can hold shift while clicking restore and show iTunes the file you downloaded. It will then restore your phone to 4.1...

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