How Many Homescreens?

How Many Homescreens?


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Aug 1, 2011
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How many Homescreens does Verizon's Iphone have? I am on my 3rd homescreen which is almost filled with apps, does another blank homescreen appear when more apps or added? Thanks
mdj282828 said:
How many Homescreens does Verizon's Iphone have? I am on my 3rd homescreen which is almost filled with apps, does another blank homescreen appear when more apps or added? Thanks

I guess you could call the first screen your "home screen" and yes, as you start to fill up your screens another will be applied to hold your apps.
I believe you can have upto a total of 11 home screens so you can have a total of around 176 apps in addition to the ones (18) that come included withe the iPhone. Keep on downloading and you will know soon how many exactly you can download. Then you can enlighten us as well... LOL... I am on my 6th screen but I do not want to go any further as of right now...
i've had mine completely full before, and sid_wisc is correct, if I recall correctly.
Wow. Thats a lot of apps. I'm only on my 3rd page. I have never went that far with downloading apps
Start using folders, such as put your games in one folder to help save screen space, and it will make it easier to find your apps.
Start using folders, such as put your games in one folder to help save screen space, and it will make it easier to find your apps.

I don't use folders anymore. When I used them I usually had one page with no spotlight (no spot Cydia tweak) I also don't use as many free apps anymore. So my phone isn't as cluttered.

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