How to backup the progress in games so it can be restored to a new phone?

How to backup the progress in games so it can be restored to a new phone?


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Jul 30, 2012
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Hi all

Iphone 4s, lots of games, many of them have been played for days/weeks, now in getting a new iphone 4s, and I would like to know if it is possible to get the game progress saved so it can be transfered to the new phone.


I'm not sure this can be done or not :
Backup all to iCloud, then when you activate the new phone restore from iCloud Backup instead of New Phone.
Hello. Thanx for your reply. Im sure it only takes backup of your applications and not the progress. But I will give it a go.
Im sure it only takes backup of your applications and not the progress.

Me too. I just restored my new iPod Touch from an iCloud backup. Applications were back but not app data such as game-saves. I do not think there is way of doing what you want to achieve.
I just think there must be a way, it should be pretty simple. All progress must be in a file somewhere on your mobile device, so taking that file out of your mobile device and copying that to a new device should be simple...but maby not. ;o)
Iphone 4s 16 gb 5.1.1 - its the same iphone, just the sim-card that is going to be changed. But when you change mobile provider you have to reset the phone to its factory settings before it will accept the new sim-card.
Quite simple actually... create a backup of your existing 4S via iTunes. When you get going w/ your new 4S... once you activate it, restore it from the backup of your other 4S. All info, saves, data, everything... will move over.
Yes it might be possible if you use a iPhone backup software which will transfer all your data and files from your iPhone to any Mac or Windows PC and will create a backup of it which you can then transfer and restore in your new iPhone.
Get more details on it from :
The game saves are stored in user/applications/"applications folder"/documents.

Just use a device browser on your pc like winscp or iexplorer and copy the folders to you pc. I do it constantly in case i crash my phone.