how to delete mail contact from iphone4 HELP

how to delete mail contact from iphone4 HELP


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Nov 5, 2010
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So I have this problem I have hotmail linked up to my i phone4 mail. When i go to compose a message and Type in "La" (in the To: field) this little drop down box (Gray) will show up with contacts that start with those two letters.

Problem is my Ex is named Laura my new girl named Lana

So she is not a fan of this, i went to hotmal and searched my contacts and went to delete the contact there, but I knew ihad deleted her email before. So Laura was not anywehre to be found on my contacts list on hotmail.

however when i still goto type in "la" to compose an email message her email address shows on the drop down grey box

I was wondering how I could delete that, since I guess it recorded the email address when I used to send Laura emails from my iphone4 so its stuck in its history??

not sure anyways would appreciate help

[Laura is not a contact in my i phone]
[I searched Laura in my Iphone search nothing popped up either]
I thought only contacts stored in your phones address book showed up? Are you sure youve still not got an email address stored within a contact on your phone?

If you use windows check you windows address book aswell if it is synced to you phone.
nope not in the contacts at all or in my windows address book

if you go to use your iphone 4 to send an email and you manually put in the email address in the "To:" section of the email and send it out, that address will auto save on the phone somehow

So if you go to compose another email and put the first to letters of the contact you manually entered you will see that address pop up in the drop down grey box automatically

give it a shot and let me know if this occurs on your phone
manually enter an email address send a check email and go back to manually enter an email address again on the phone as as soon as you hit the first letter or two you will see it on the drop down box

im trying to figure out how to clear that from my phone or delete a contact that way

get back to me ppl :)
You must still have an email from her on the phone or on hotmail. It could be in the deleted messages.
nope not in the contacts at all or in my windows address book

if you go to use your iphone 4 to send an email and you manually put in the email address in the "To:" section of the email and send it out, that address will auto save on the phone somehow

So if you go to compose another email and put the first to letters of the contact you manually entered you will see that address pop up in the drop down grey box automatically

give it a shot and let me know if this occurs on your phone
manually enter an email address send a check email and go back to manually enter an email address again on the phone as as soon as you hit the first letter or two you will see it on the drop down box

im trying to figure out how to clear that from my phone or delete a contact that way

get back to me ppl :)

Yep. Happens on mines

You must still have an email from her on the phone or on hotmail. It could be in the deleted messages.

Did all that still there. Deleting and adding the account again doesn't work either
Ya I challenge anyone to try to find the solution to this without having to wipe your phone of course

Can't seem to fix this issue
I called apple on this a while back. The only way to wipe the remembered email addresses clean is to reinstall the firmware, reinstall your apps, and setup email again. You cannot restore from a backup or you will have the same issue.
I have the same problem. I don't think there is a way right now to delete the "autofill" feature at the moment.

If someone knows how please share the secret ;).
I'm sure there will be a way of deleting or modifying a file using ssh. Which one I don't know.

Perhaps someone with more experience will be able to find out?
will i be able to delete it successfully if i go to "general Settings"
then "reset" then "erase all content and settings" ??

if so I will i just have to record all my contact info