Hey guys, i have learnt how to jailbreak IOS 6.1.3....
What You Need...
1. Connect Iphone and open redsn0w 0.9.15b3
2. Click On "Extras"
3. Click On "Select IPSW"
4. Select the IOS 6.0 Ipsw file you downloaded earlier
5. A message should appear saying that it has been successfully identified
6. Click Back
7. Than Hit Jailbreak and follow the steps on the screen
8. Once the Jailbreak has completed quit out of Redsn0w so everything can refresh.
9. Open it back up and click on "extras"
10. Click "Select IPSW" and than select the IOS 6.0 one again.
11. Then click ""Just Boot" at the top and follow the on screen instructions
12. after it has booted open "Cydia" go to "Manage" and add a source named thebigboss.org/SemiTether/
13. After the sources have updated install the only package in that source named "SemiTether"
14. After That boot back up as shown in step 10 and 11.
15. Enjoy Having A Semi Unteathred Jailbreak
What You Need...
1. Connect Iphone and open redsn0w 0.9.15b3
2. Click On "Extras"
3. Click On "Select IPSW"
4. Select the IOS 6.0 Ipsw file you downloaded earlier
5. A message should appear saying that it has been successfully identified
6. Click Back
7. Than Hit Jailbreak and follow the steps on the screen
8. Once the Jailbreak has completed quit out of Redsn0w so everything can refresh.
9. Open it back up and click on "extras"
10. Click "Select IPSW" and than select the IOS 6.0 one again.
11. Then click ""Just Boot" at the top and follow the on screen instructions
12. after it has booted open "Cydia" go to "Manage" and add a source named thebigboss.org/SemiTether/
13. After the sources have updated install the only package in that source named "SemiTether"
14. After That boot back up as shown in step 10 and 11.
15. Enjoy Having A Semi Unteathred Jailbreak

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