How To Make Cydia Faster -- Block Cydia Ads And Images

How To Make Cydia Faster -- Block Cydia Ads And Images

PhilSynowiec News Team
Thread Starter
Jun 15, 2010
Reaction score
Bay Area, CA

Cydia, being a Jailbroken app used by numerous amounts of people is great, but it is just a little dated. We had Rock before it was absorbed by Cydia and it was a little more stable. Now that it's gone, all we have is Cydia and we have to make the best of it until Sauik decides to update it. These two tweaks will show you how to make your Cydia experience a little faster. Almost every single tweak that you see in Cydia has all of these ads pop up, images, etc. that's all fine until you click on one of them and you have to restart Cydia to keep browsing (you know what I'm talking about).

For someone that looks through Cydia daily, I do not want to deal with this hassle. So I added the following source:

And then installed two different tweaks that made it better. The first tweak is called SBAdBlockToggle, which will block images and advertisements on Cydia, it can be toggled in SBSettings, if you don't already have SBSetting, its free as well, you should have, very useful. The next tweak is called NoCyfresh i4. This one is only for iPhone 4 (hasn't been tested on older models) and will stop Cydia from auto refreshing every time you open it.

Both great tweaks, make Cydia a lot better.
I was vetting ready to download the ad block and noticed the other files to be downloaded. Can you explain what those other 4 do ?
Cydia errors out while updating after adding the source and subsequently doesn't add it
I got it to work now.Not sure if this is why,but i used no capitals in the source and it worked.....??