How to Use Find My iPhone to Locate Lost or Stolen iPhone

How to Use Find My iPhone to Locate Lost or Stolen iPhone


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May 1, 2013
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If your iPhone is lost or stolen what do you do? There are things you should do in advance - before you lose it or it's stolen - and some things to do after the fact. Here are some suggestions:

1. Reporting a lost or stolen Apple product: Reporting a lost or stolen Apple product

2. Find My iPhone:

3. *****

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I highly recommend people to use find my phone. It comes in handy
there are no. of software in market and tracking devices by which we could find iPhone.for example iHound,fonehome,gadget track, etc.
I had not have enabeled my Find my iPhone app in settings,now I have lot my i4, is there any thing I could do to rediscver it on the map or facebook or any thing?
I had not have enabeled my Find my iPhone app in settings,now I have lot my i4, is there any thing I could do to rediscver it on the map or facebook or any thing?

Hi...sorry for the loss of your phone. We went ahead and deleted your other post which was similar to this one. We also see that one of our administrators have responded to your post. Good luck and please do not duplicate posts. It's against forum rules. Thanks.

Skimonkey ~
i think the only thing you can do is tell Apple via your airtime supplier that the phone has been lost, they can block it making it effectively an ipod.

at least whoever finds it can't then make calls.
Wondering if your carrier could call your cell # and - assuming someone answers and stays connected long enough - do a GPS track, similar to 9-1-1......??!
When I gave my granddaughter her new 5S...the FIRST thing she did was install Find My iPhone!!!:)
Your homeowner's insurance policy MIGHT allow you to claim the loss...Worth a shot.....
Best of luck!