I Can't Stand It When.....

I Can't Stand It When.....


New Member
Thread Starter
Mar 9, 2011
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The Beautiful Texas Hill Country
I saw this on another forum and really enjoyed the answers. Just tell us what irritates you. I'll start.....

I can't stand it when strangers in line behind me have to get as close to me as possible!! Give me space!!

Have a nice day!
Hmm. This thread looks strangely familiar.

Alright, I'll bite. I can't stand it when people stand around giving me simple instructions when they are incapable of doing what I'm doing. Don't teach grandmother to suck eggs.

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I'll tell you what though... the Little Ceasers "Wooo... $5 Pizza!!!" commercials make me wanna go buy a $5 pizza!!
We dont get that but yes some food adverts do make you hungry.
Speaking of food adverts.. I can't stand it that the television execs always seem to put the food adverts on tv right when I'm hungry.
Thomasjtsi said:
I'll tell you what though... the Little Ceasers "Wooo... $5 Pizza!!!" commercials make me wanna go buy a $5 pizza!!

This just caused me to end up in little caesars but the window sign caused me to skip the $5 hot n ready and go for the meat trio.

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