I need a password manager

I need a password manager


Well-Known Member
Thread Starter
Mar 28, 2012
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I never use the same password for more than one site, so I have ended up with several username/password pairs and I need a way to manage them. I could keep them listed in a text editor but that is very insecure. As I am new to the iPhone I would like some recommendations for a password manager app. The only requirement I have is that the app keeps the password list encrypted in case my iPhone gets lost or stolen.

What is everyone else using for a password manager?
I use Quick Password Manager on my iPhone and it works great. Its simple, clean and best of all FREE!! So you can try it.
I have tried several but ended up paying 99 cents for eWalletGO. Works great and syncs with a free desktop version so that all your info is on ipad and iphone and desktop. seems to be secure and encrypted even though it syncs thru either google docs or dropbox every thing is encypted
I use my Noted.app within my phone.

My notes are synced with my Yahoo account songs long as I add my Yahoo! Account my notes will here there provided I toggled Notes no when I added the account.

Then I use a tweak called "Lockdown Pro" from Cydia to lock my Notes app. No need for a 3rd party application from the AppStore. Just keep my Notes app locks via the jailbreak tweak. ;)

The caveat:

You must be jailbroken to be able to lock any app you want with Lockdown Pro.

No one will ever get to it, and I don't have to worry about ally information from a 3rd party app disappearing after a restore. Which is what happens when you restore without restoring from a backup. And as you may know....one should not restore from a backup when trying to resolve a problem. Not that I have a problem...but in case I do...I can restore, setup as new, add my email in which my notes are synced to.

Then jailbreak and install Lockdown Pro (or AppLocker) and lock my Notes.app. Plus I can lock whatever app I choose on any of my springboard pages.
Very good suggestions, thank you all. Looks like I'm going to have some new toys today :)
1password. Extremely secure. Syncs with DropBox. Runs on all my computers and devices.
I have tried several but ended up paying 99 cents for eWalletGO.
I went ahead and chose Quick Password Manager as it can import and export to and from Dropbox and iTunes. Thanks for the help, folks.
Is Keeper app worth paying 10$ a year for ability to sync with my desktop computer? This sorts of apps are worthless if you can's sync them and make a backup. Or is there a cheeper way to do this? I do like the interface of Keeper though...