I phone 5 went dead..wont turn back on!!!

I phone 5 went dead..wont turn back on!!!


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Dec 11, 2014
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Phone was working fine,

i let the battery run out and it turned off,

Plugged it in and no response at all....left charged in for 24 hrs...when attempting to reboot no response from phone,

suspected it was not getting charged due to the dock- replaced the dock. plugged in and every 5 min or so the apple screen lights up for a few seconds and then goes away. It will sometimes alternate from the apple screen and show a picture of the charging cord and a blue emblem above it... as if it is connected, but just as the apple icon, it goes away after a few seconds and I'm back to the black screen.

I have searched all over the internet and have found many people inquiring about these exact same symptoms. The only responses I was seeing was generic apple info about how to reset your phone or force into a reset mode using itunes. - my phone will not respond to any combination of button pushes or any of the itunes style resets. When I plug the cord into my laptop (which has I tunes ) it doesn't even recognize that anything was plugged in - when I plug my other I phone in (4s) it recognizes it right away...

I am out of ideas other than maybe it being the battery itself. I did read a couple of posts where people had the same symptoms and changed their battery- no change....

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Looks like you've tried what you can. If you can get to an Apple Store Genius Bar, they could check it out. Maybe the battery just decided to go. The battery in my 5 is waning. If an Apple Store is not feasible, any reputable repair shop would do. Maybe someone else has an idea I haven't thought about. Good luck. Maybe time to upgrade.

Sent from my ancient but trustworthy iPhone 5.
There's been a "recall" on some of the iPhone 5 for battery issues. Have you checked to see if yours can be replaced? I would certainly make an appt with Apple if you can.
If you want to see if your iPhone 5 is eligible for the free battery replacement program, go to this site, follow the directions, and enter your iPhone serial number. If your iPhone qualifies, there are links to find the nearest service centre authorized to replace the battery. iPhone 5 Battery Replacement Program - Apple Support
Yeah the battery can be replaced..I had it out when replacing the charging dock... I will check the battery replacement coverage once I get the serial number from the phone and let you guys know how it goes. Thank You for the replies!!!
Oh! you have tried your best but still no recovery. Change the battery according to your phone serial number and let's see what happen there. Good Luck!
So I decided to just spend the money and get a battery. Installed it and it started up like normal. Was able to use as normal for about 5 min. The only thing that didn't function correctly was the power button on top of the phone, which I found odd since I didn't do anything in that area when replacing the battery. After about 5 min the phone turned itself off and went right back to the apple icon screen coming up for a few seconds, then black screen. Now there is no response from the phone at all. While the phone was powered up it said 81% on the battery, so I know it isn't dead. Doesn't seem to have made a difference replacing the battery. Any other suggestions??
Try to factory reser or re-flash its iOS. I hope you can fix it by yourself or just bring it to nearest apple service center.
Yeah, I've tried all reset options I could come up with. There must be something wrong with an internal "computer" or something. The way it acts is that it works every time I re-install the battery. Maybe get a minute of normal use, then back to the same black screen with occasional apple icon flashes. I guess I will have to wait till i am up for a replacement, because I am not paying the rediculous $150 insurance fee to replace for only 2 months of use. Pretty disappointed with our apple products. Both my fiance and my phones appear to be "brand new", and still we have had many issues with them. I had to replace my charging dock and battery on my 4s. Sure am glad we paid top dollar for apple products....be rethinking that next time...

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