My wife's I Phone 7 smart case equipped phone would not accept a charge. Case was at zero, phone at 35 %.
I took the phone out of the case and charged it for 10 minutes. I then charged the Case for 20 minutes (amber light comes on). Put it back in and it now works fine. I think the issue is that when the I Phone gets to 35% charge it quits putting out power to other devices via the lighting plug. With a dead battery in the case, the charging electronics did not know what to do. I saw a similar post about this where it was also at zero and 35%.
My wife had a very good experience with her Mophie equipped I phone 6 but has become very upset with the new 7 because of this issue. I think Apple is using a proprietary charging strategy where the case tries to be more efficient than the Mophie by trying to power the phone rather than charge the I Phone's battery when it can,
but I think that the design may have a major glitch in it if you get below the zero/35% threshold.
I took the phone out of the case and charged it for 10 minutes. I then charged the Case for 20 minutes (amber light comes on). Put it back in and it now works fine. I think the issue is that when the I Phone gets to 35% charge it quits putting out power to other devices via the lighting plug. With a dead battery in the case, the charging electronics did not know what to do. I saw a similar post about this where it was also at zero and 35%.
My wife had a very good experience with her Mophie equipped I phone 6 but has become very upset with the new 7 because of this issue. I think Apple is using a proprietary charging strategy where the case tries to be more efficient than the Mophie by trying to power the phone rather than charge the I Phone's battery when it can,
but I think that the design may have a major glitch in it if you get below the zero/35% threshold.