iccid no sim, but have service (terrible) plz help!

iccid no sim, but have service (terrible) plz help!


New Member
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Aug 23, 2012
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so i upgraded my 3gs to 5.1.1 and jailbroke/unlocked, and downgraded modem firmware to 05.13.04 .
my phone shows t-mobile now on top next to a full bars signal. but however, every single time i make a phone call or receive a call,as soon as i hang up the service gets lost and starts "searching".
it usually finds signal again within a minute. but it does this every single time.
im guessing the problem has something to do with the ICCID saying NO SIM.
also the carrier says "carrier 12.0" dont know if this means anything.

i need help on how to fix this problem. i dont know whats wrong and/or of i missed any steps.
ive asked on other forums with nobody replyin so i thought i would give this one a shot.
When you upgraded to 5.1.1 were you on 06.15.00 and did you restore a stock firmware? If so, you corrupted your baseband and will have to reinstall it. I would try reinstalling the iPad baseband(run Redsn0w jailbreak but only check the Install iPad Baseband option). Once that is done, you can run Redsn0w again and this time choose only the Downgrade iPad baseband option. Then reinstall Ultrasn0w 1.2.7 and mobilesubstrate and see if it works.
i was on ios 4 that was unlocked also.
when i upgraded to 5.1.1 i jailbroke and unlocked, the baseband was at ipad (i believe) 6.15.XX something. and i downgraded it.
while it was on the ipad baseband it wouldnt show tmobile until i downgraded.
text works perfect but when i call people or when they call me, right after i end the call i loose service. happens every time.

if you believe i may have corrupted the baseband i will try what you suggested to attempt to fix it.

and when i upgraded to 5.1.1 i didnt save anything. just had itunes do everything itself.
dont know if thats a bad thing. im still new to this.
ok so i upgraded it back to ipad baseband 06.15.00 and my phone is working and making calls and texts fine without dropping service.
should i still downgrade the baseband? or should i leave it as it is? i dont know about the gps functionality yet because i havnt gone anywhere since upgrading.
thanks in advance!
ok so i did what you said and upgraded back to ipad baseband then downgraded again and reinstalled both mobile substrate and ultrasnow and still the same thing is happening again,
soon as i hang up a call it looses service.

the gps doesnt work and my internet is suppppper slow on the phone.
at times it wont even load anything.

would it help if i completely restored my phone to factory and tried jailbreaking again?
Ya, it's worth a shot, you should try it in this order:

-Restore a pre-jailbroken firmware with Sn0wbreeze
-Downgrade iPad Baseband
-Reinstall Ultrasn0w/Mobile Substrate

Let me know how it goes

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