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Apr 11, 2012
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I'm looking for a theme that just changes my icons. I'm new to jailbreaking so I don't know where I can find them. Any help would be appreciated. Every theme I've tried from cydia changes more than the icons

Tapatalk'd from my iPhone 4s
MwSlim said:
I'm looking for a theme that just changes my icons. I'm new to jailbreaking so I don't know where I can find them. Any help would be appreciated. Every theme I've tried from cydia changes more than the icons

Tapatalk'd from my iPhone 4s

Well....find a theme that you like...whether it changes the whole UI or not.

Install it.

Now install iFile (crazy for a jailbreaker to not have iFile installed. This application truly is a *necessity* for jailbreakers, and especially themers).

Open iFile,
Tap the top left button until you can tap it any more and you see a "/" in it's place. Basically go all the to the root directory.

No navigate to var/stash/Themes.xxxx/themes name.

Within that folder is all the images and folder bundles of the UI that will be themed.

Just delete the folders that contain the images that you don't want.

After deleting, open WinterBoard and activate the theme.

Need help finding a certain UI image, just ask. Someone will know where you can find it to delete it.

You'll most likely want to delete "UIImages" and "com.apple.springboard" within "Bundles". But don't delete the "whole"bundles folder.

The best way to do this it to backup whatever it is your are going to delete before deleting.

Tap "Edit" in the top right corner.
Select the folder/bundle you want to delete
Tap the small white clipboard icon in the lower right corner.
Tap "Copy/Link"
Now tap "Done"
Then tap the small house icon on the bottom.
Then follow Media/general_storage
Tap "Edit"
Tap the small clipboard icon
Tap "Paste".

Now you can go back and delete the bundle/folder you don't want, and should you want it back for any reason, it will be safely backed up in var/mobile/Media/general_storage.

iFile is a jailbreakers best friend.

Install it
Buy it ($5) well worth more than $5 in my honest opinion.

Any jailbreaker that does not have iFile installed.....well there is probably at least a 98% chance that they will regret not installing iFile.

Some people have messed up there devices to where they had to restore...but if they had iFile installed, there is at least a good chance there is something you can do within iFile to fix things.

iFile will help you modify your iPhone without having to install certain tweaks or themes.

iFile can install deb packages(what Cydia tweaks are).
It can unarchive basically anything.

What you can do with iFile is pretty much limitless.

If you are jailbroken...there is absolutely no reason you shouldn't have iFile installed...but there are a million reasons you should.
Awesome thanks a lot! I file was the first app that I bought after I jailbroke but I haven't used it yet. Thanks again for the detailed reply!

Tapatalk'd from my iPhone 4s
Another way is to get icon harvester off cydia and choose the icons you like and be done with it.
blkhwk9357 said:
Another way is to get icon harvester off cydia and choose the icons you like and be done with it.

What dos IconHarvester do exactly?
It has pre loaded icons so you just can change your icons as long as you like the available icons it's simple I use a theme and usually don't like the icons so I install a icon off of icon harvester it is 4.99 but well worth it for me I suppose it would work as a stand alone theme if you just wanted icons
ok question, If i find a theme that doesnt change all of my icons, how can I create my own to complete the theme. I have seen themes that have all the icons the same, I downloaded a theme but only the basic default app icons changed. is there a program that I use to do this. I have photoshop on my PC laptop so I could work them on there then transfer them to my MBP to install.
goavs18 said:
ok question, If i find a theme that doesnt change all of my icons, how can I create my own to complete the theme. I have seen themes that have all the icons the same, I downloaded a theme but only the basic default app icons changed. is there a program that I use to do this. I have photoshop on my PC laptop so I could work them on there then transfer them to my MBP to install.

Go to Cydia, and search "ThemeIconMaker" and install it, then after ReSpringing just open it, it would be called "TIM" and then select the theme name, and tap "add all icons" , it will show you at the middle of the screen which icons needs to be installed.

Hope i helped :).

Dark Dragon
Go to Cydia, and search "ThemeIconMaker" and install it, then after ReSpringing just open it, it would be called "TIM" and then select the theme name, and tap "add all icons" , it will show you at the middle of the screen which icons needs to be installed.

Hope i helped :).

Dark Dragon

Ok cool, Thanks. also I downloaded a theme from cydia and I followed a link given for updated icons I downloaded the Icon set on my MBP now how do I get those to the theme?
goavs18 said:
the file was on a web site for the theme, it was a zip file of the Icon set

Extract the files to a folder called (name).theme and ssh that in2 ur phone.
miriamshookaf said:
dude get an icon harvester you will find it easy there

Isn't that only fr copying the icons OFF the phone? Not copying the themes onto the phone.

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