I'm getting iFever...should I buy an iPod Touch?

I'm getting iFever...should I buy an iPod Touch?


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Jan 19, 2011
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I've already got two iPads, the new generation iPod Nano, my wife has the last generation Nano, and we're both getting iPhones. I was thinking about picking up an iPod Touch.

Is that overkill?

How many of you have say an iPhone and iPod Touch? How do you use them? Do you carry them both around? Or only play games etc on the Touch to conserve battery life? Or is it a stupid purchase?

If I bought a touch I'd probably sell my brand new Nano but unsure at this point.

The iPad is great, but it's not as easily portable.
If you have an iPhone 4, I do not understand why you would need an iPod Touch.

The iPhone does everything the iPod Touch does.

I do have an iPod Nano that I use for my daily driver. Although the car has its own HDD, it is just easier to use the iPod interface, and it is easier to keep all the music synchronised. Since the car has its own iPod menu system, I don't have any need for a Touch's screen.

I know I just said the iPhone does the same thing that the iPod does. :-) The iPod Nano gives me the added convenience of being able to leave the music connected while I come and go from the car with the iPhone. And you can find an iPod Nano with a broken screen, but otherwise completely operational, for maybe $30 - $50. So it's not like you have to budget for it, and you don't need the screen if your car has an iPod interface and menu.

So, for whatever one dumb old man's opinion is worth, no, I would not get an iPod Touch if you have an iPhone 4.
I have an iPhone 4 and a 2G 8 gig iPod touch. The iPod touch is jailbroke, the iPhone 4 isn't. I leave the iPod touch in my car hooked to my stereo and take the iPhone 4 with me where ever I go. The wife has an iPod nano I believe it is (it's the one that's about the size of a cracker)
I have an iPod touch 4G as well as the 4G phone. I got the iPod so my wife and daughter could use it around the house instead of my phone. I mostly use the iPod to control my laptop as it is hooked up to my tv. If it wasn't for my phone being in constant use by everybody I wouldn't of got it. Although it's handy having both it's not really nessary as the iPhone does everything the iPod does and more...
Well I bought it. I figure it like this...I'm going to sell my new Nano and use it as my primary iPod for music. But more importantly if I'm at work or somewhere I can easily use it to listen to my podcasts or play games without reducing the life of my iPhone battery during the day (I work in an area with crap reception and I'm expecting when I get the iPhone that it's going to take a toll on the battery to be at that spot all day).
I have an Ipod Touch right now but, once I get my Iphone I plan on getting rid of my Ipod. I'd rather carry less devices in my pocket.
Well I bought it. I figure it like this...I'm going to sell my new Nano and use it as my primary iPod for music. But more importantly if I'm at work or somewhere I can easily use it to listen to my podcasts or play games without reducing the life of my iPhone battery during the day (I work in an area with crap reception and I'm expecting when I get the iPhone that it's going to take a toll on the battery to be at that spot all day).

If your getting a crap signal on the phone you've got just now it probably won't be as good on the iPhone. The antenna isn't the best. I know they've moved it for the verzion iPhone but even when it does work on my phone it's still weaker than other phones on the same network...
Other people have the iPhone in my office, it's no better or worse.