Image library/cache? Problems

Image library/cache? Problems

Thank you so much for the suggestion... But I have solved this problem. Surprisingly that worked....

are you using the same method as jonilennon suggested? or you've done something else? perhaps you could share it here? thanks.
are you using the same method as jonilennon suggested? or you've done something else? perhaps you could share it here? thanks.

No, I've used another method... Here it is....
1) On my PC desktop, I right clicked and created a new folder. I named it "Empty folder".
2) I plugged in my phone to computer, opened iTunes.
3) Clicked on my phone on the left
4) Clicked on "photos" on the top
5) Clicked the box "Sync Photos with"
6) Choose the dropdown and "choose folder"
7) Click "desktop" option
8) Click on the folder that you created and named whatever you named it.
9) Click "apply/sync"

In doing so, it deleted the "Photo Library" with the little sunflower but it left all of my other photos that I wanted to keep.
I'm shocked that this actually worked.
Hope this helps you....

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