imessage and face time settings

imessage and face time settings


New Member
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Dec 14, 2011
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how do i remove the email address I added to the "Receive at" area.
I added my email address but want to remove it.
I go to settings, messages, receive at and I see my phone number (grayed out) and my email address.I select the email address (still grayed out) and I see the "Remove this email button" (Grayed out also).
My caller iD was set to the email but I switched ti to the phone number so now I cam receive messages etc...
Does anyone have an answer to the question?
Thank you
That is the email address you used to setup iCloud on your phone.
Thank you for your reply.
Yes it is. it is also the main email for my entire apple account. (which I prefer not to share with the world).
My problem is this;
"AFTER" I added this email address to face time i did not receive text messages.
I received a phone call from a friend asking if phone was working because I was not responding to text.
I then sent a text and it came up as email address so I changed caller ID.
That helped but did not fix.
I turned off face time and now all the world is happy again.
So... How do I just remove that email address from that area?
I spoke with tech support.
I needed to go to 'settings', go to 'messages', go to 'receive at', select the address which took me to the next screen, selected my apple ID at the top of the screen and sign out.
That solved the problem.
Thanks y'all
Thank you for your reply.
Yes it is. it is also the main email for my entire apple account. (which I prefer not to share with the world).
My problem is this;
"AFTER" I added this email address to face time i did not receive text messages.
I received a phone call from a friend asking if phone was working because I was not responding to text.
I then sent a text and it came up as email address so I changed caller ID.
That helped but did not fix.
I turned off face time and now all the world is happy again.
So... How do I just remove that email address from that area?

Go back to settings, messages, received at. Click caller ID and change from email to number or vice versa. Also make sure received at 2 addresses is highlighted. This way it'll give you the option to change on caller ID
