Instagram Surpasses 50 Million Users

Instagram Surpasses 50 Million Users


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Jun 18, 2010
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Mashable reports that being acquired by Facebook and opened up to Android users has done little to halt Instagram’s incredible success story, with API now reporting that the photo-sharing app has just passed the incredible milestone of 50 million users, and still going strong, adding 5 million users per week. In April alone, Instagram has seen staggering success, going from 30 million users at the start of the month to 40 million on April 13, and now 50 million. And as Mashable says, this explosion in popularity for the app has occurred in the first few months of 2012, with Instagram starting off January with just 15 million users. And although a lot of the new users are doubtless Android owners who are delighted to now have access to the once-iPhone-only app, Mashable notes that following on from its acquisition by Facebook, Instagram actually went on to hit number one in the iOS App Store for the very first time. Mashable reckons that Instagram sign-ups are probably pretty evenly divided between iPhone and Android.

Click here to download the free app:App Store - Instagram


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