Installing iTunes apps

Installing iTunes apps


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Jan 6, 2012
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I have an iPhone 4s and I am wondering if there is a setting somewhere to turn off having to put in my iTunes password every time to just install stuff . My daughter gets on an likes to install free games and I am always having to put in a password for her? Thais
dengirl said:
I have an iPhone 4s and I am wondering if there is a setting somewhere to turn off having to put in my iTunes password every time to just install stuff . My daughter gets on an likes to install free games and I am always having to put in a password for her? Thais

Hi. If you are jailbroken there is a tweak on Cydia (cant remember exactly what its called but I THINK its NoPassword or something like that).

If you are not jailbroken, unfortunately you cant do it.
afaik there is no option that will allow you to do that but I dont know if this is an option for you but you could give her your password? because it really has the same effect because there is no way you could just have the free apps not ask for a password either.

maybe there is a cydia app out there that would do that
The phone is not jail broken. Thanks.