


New Member
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Jul 25, 2013
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New Jersey
Hi, I don't have a iPhone(yet) . I only got into the apple products less than a year ago ( Oct 25th to be exact) with the purchase of a used(duh) iPad from my daughter's friend . I got an iMac to replace my laptop- I was sick of having to replace my Pc due to hard drive issues every 2-3 years( right after warranty would run out) Price wise, the iMac was better than the Visio or Samsung with similar specs( if you can compare PC to apple). Made the purchase as soon as the new version was out Nov 2012.
So happy with my conversion to Apple. I loved to be able to connect my tablet to a usb port in my car to listen to all of my music i had downloaded to iTunes when I had my PC since my new iMac does not have CD rom.
My next logical move was to get an iPod so I got the iPod touch 5. I will be getting rid of my phone in February- according to sprint gods, I could pay early term fee but for whatever their reasoning, I would not be able to keep my cell # unless I wait for my upgrade ( or the 90 days prior to the end when they let you upgrade which for me is Feb.) I am seriously thinking iPhone since it is so easy to link everything form one device to the others- my iTunes match will bring up most of my music( some is not in match the CD's were that weird)
I love my dropbox because that saves my pictures from all of my portable devices.
Since I have to wait, I'm interested in what the new 5s will have- I do admit I like the slightly larger screen of my HTC evo over the size of the iPod touch.
I'm going to be lurking and absorbing what is posted on the forums here.
in the mean time I HAVE to get a new iPad by the time the IOS 7 comes out. I have found a few of my apps can't update without IOS 6 now and the apple store employee told me soon my dropbox will not update without IOS 6 or better and will possibly not allow photos to upload and store- crisis!
I go on vacation in a few weeks and between rumors of iPad 5 coming soon and not wanting to touch my fun money for my trip, I am going to wait till the fall when Apple traditionally comes out with new toys for the holiday shopping season- I hate shopping then but would kick myself if only weeks after getting a new iPad 4, the 5 had some amazing new feature I could have waited for- Apple will give me 120.00 in an app card for my old tablet . That is better than trying to unload it myself .
Sorry if I got off track about this being an iPhone forum, but that is my introduction
G'day and welcome to the FoRuM!!!!!!! :) :) :)