iOS 5 Jailbreak With Limera1n iPhone, iPod Touch, And iPad Already Works

iOS 5 Jailbreak With Limera1n iPhone, iPod Touch, And iPad Already Works

PhilSynowiec News Team
Thread Starter
Jun 15, 2010
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Bay Area, CA
[ame=]YouTube - ‪iOS 5 Jailbreak With Limera1n iPhone, iPod Touch, And iPad Already Works - iOS Vlog 431‬‏[/ame]​

Believe it or not iOS 5 is already Jailbroken. Last night, iPhone Dev Team Hacker, @Musclenerd tweeted out a few screenshots of his iPod Touch 4G Jailbroken. This included a working version of Cydia, and it was simply tether-Jailbroken with Limera1n. Limera1n is a bootrom exploit witch allows it to work on all current devices(except iPad 2) and leave us open with a hole that Apple can't fill. All devices 4th generation and under are safe as well as the iPad 1st gen(not second). If you wish to have a Jailbroken iPad 2, it's best to stay at 4.3 until they find a way.
The power of the dev team. They really doing amazing works. Looking forward for the official release of the iOS and for the untether JB from that great dev team.
yeah i read the tweets today.. already jailbroken but tethered... and i doubt many apps will work for it atm, or do they?
yeah i read the tweets today.. already jailbroken but tethered... and i doubt many apps will work for it atm, or do they?

If they don't work for it now, they will get some update as soon as possible, at least if the authors of those apps are kind enough and not like yourtube dev.
You guys know when will iOS 5 be available for untethered jailbroken?
You guys know when will iOS 5 be available for untethered jailbroken?

Soon after the official release of the iOS 5. The dev team is already on the iOS 5 try to meet with the official iOS 5 release which will be this fall.

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