iOS 5 Said to Have Integrated Twitter Image Sharing Feature

iOS 5 Said to Have Integrated Twitter Image Sharing Feature


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Jun 18, 2010
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9to5 Mac reports today on rumours from several different sources that point to iOS 5 having the option to share images via Twitter. TechCrunch likens it to the way in which you can currently share your videos on YouTube directly via iOS. The word is that you would first have to log in to your Twitter account from your iOS device, which would then activate a “Send to Twitter” option for pictures on your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch.

DaringFireball takes up the reins of the story and imagines what it would be like to have full Twitter integration built into iOS 5. Very handy indeed, I should think! 9to5 Mac posits that a user’s Twitter graph could also be featured in a special “Media Stream” that would enable you to show your photos to your friends and family. They add that it could all be tied together with iCloud. All very interesting stuff, and happily we’ve only got a few more days to wait until June 6 when iOS 5 is unveiled by Steve Jobs at Apple’s WWDC.

Source: Twitter integrated into iOS 5 with MediaStream? | 9 to 5 Mac

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