iOS 6 Auto Layout – proof that the iPhone 5 will have a larger screen

iOS 6 Auto Layout – proof that the iPhone 5 will have a larger screen


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Jul 27, 2011
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The recent WWDC keynote only briefly mentioned the upcoming iPhone, but that was all that it took for rumors about features of the new device to start spawning again around the Internet.

One new feature that sparked curiosity and interest this time is called Auto Layout and was presented very quickly in an iOS SDK slide. However most of the attention was grabbed by slides presenting Siri updates and the new HD Maps app, but those attentive enough took note of the extra information as well.
What Auto Layout basically does is allow developers to create customized user interface elements within their apps by applying a set of rules. These rules might sound something like “elements in the app have to be 12 pixels apart”. This will ensure that the UI app elements will perfectly fit into the window or screen of the user’s device.

Such a feature might not have such an impact on users per se, but it sure will come in handy to iOS developers aiming to create apps for both the iPad and iPhone in one strike. There’s the possibility that an iPhone app might not look like it was designed especially for the iPad but this isn’t the point really if the software will look good. This news in turn, augmented speculations that this feature popped up because Apple wants apps to look a certain way on a variety of different screen size devices. Add to that rumors suggesting that the next generation iPhone will come with a larger screen, and you practically have yourself a confirmation.

By Radu

Source: Does Auto Layout In iOS 6 Mean A Larger iPhone Screen Is Coming? | TechCrunch

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