iOS 6 Battery Life

iOS 6 Battery Life


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Oct 11, 2012
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I read somewhere that doing a DFU restore can solve the battery life problems on the iPhone. Has anyone had any positive experiences in increasing battery life back to what it was on iOS 5.1.1?
Year true, but I don't want to spend money. I hear people saying they get great battery life on the 4s. I just was wondering if anyone had positive results from a restore
Well a DFU restore fixed all my issues and my battery life is back to what it used to be :D
I honestly have no issues with battery life with my i4S on iOS6. Its about the same - 12- 18 hrs of hard usage including talking/surfing or 40 hrs of light / standyby usage.
My battery life is not doing well with ios6. I get about 1/3 less life than I did before the upgrade. I haven't seen much complaining about it here, but there are many posts over at Apple discussion forums. I've done all the tricks and was having great battery life with 5.1. I'm going to keep working on looking for culprits, but also hope 6.01 helps.
I have i4 on IOS 6 now. Battery is great, no changes what so ever in comparison to 5.1.1 I had before
The folks at my Apple store reloaded IOS 6 for me a couple weeks back,and I don't know if they did it by DFU or some other means since they did it where I couldn't watch them,however...since they fixed my 4s for me I have had much battery life than I did with 5.1.1. firmware.

I did have to reload all of my apps 1 x 1 and I lost all of the pictures I had taken and all of the movies I had loaded,but all of my contacts were there.

Whatever they did has made my phone work as it is supposed to work,including the maps,wi-fi,and Siri. Prior to them fixing it,none of those 3 would work properly and I had a real issue with battery drain for a couple of days. They told me there I had a incomplete download of the new OS and was the cause of my issues, which could be the reason so many folks are having problems with theirs.

I can't say it will correct any issues with yours,but it made mine work great.

FWIW...when I was a Android fanatic...this was a known issue of happening with any OTA updates, and would cause similar issues too.

So, for myself,I see no reason to go back to 5.1.1 unless your wanting to Jailbreak your phone because on my phone my battery life is actually better.


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