iOS 7 Security Measures Win Praise

iOS 7 Security Measures Win Praise


iPhoneForums.Net News Team
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Jun 18, 2010
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BGR reports today that law enforcement officials have been commenting on the new iPhone/iPad “Activation Lock” feature that was introduced as part of iOS 7 by Apple at the WWDC on Monday. The new feature is designed to prevent your iOS device from being activated should a thief try and wipe it. It’s just this sort of killswitch that law enforcement bodies have been calling for the likes of Google and Apple to introduce in their smartphone software, in a bid to counteract the staggering amount of mobile phone theft. The Associated Press asked San Francisco District Attorney George Gascon and New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman for their views on the new security feature, and they issued the following joint statement in response:[/FONT]

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[FONT=&quot]“We are appreciative of the gesture made by Apple to address smartphone theft. We reserve judgement on the activation lock feature until we can understand its actual functionality.”[/FONT]
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[FONT=&quot]As BGR notes, nearly one third of all robberies in the US involves a smartphone, according to figures from the Federal Communications Commision.[/FONT]
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[FONT=&quot]Source:[/FONT] Apple iPhone theft: iOS 7 security features could help fight crime | BGR
The question I have is if it'll carry over if someone has iOS 5 or 6, and the thief restores it to 7. Considering that not everyone will upgrade to iOS 7 immediately, chances are there'll be cases where the thief would steal the phone and attempt to restore to sell/con others

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