iOS Found to be Malware Free, Whereas Android Malware Instances Jump 76%

iOS Found to be Malware Free, Whereas Android Malware Instances Jump 76%


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Jun 18, 2010
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Electronista reports today on the Q2 threats report from anti-virus company McAfee, which finds that Apple’s iOS still remained blissfully free of active malware during the second quarter of the year, with not one single instance of a malware attack. In fact the only instances of any malware surfacing at all on an iOS device is on jailbroken devices. According to the report, only the ill-fated webOS was found to be similarly malware free. In contrast, the report found that the amount of malware, viruses, Trojans and other such nastiness that was targeted at Google’s Android OS rose by 76% in the second quarter, with a total of 44 attacks, placing Android firmly at the top of the Mobile Malware Attack charts, with J2ME in second place with 14 attacks, and Symbian and Blackberry in joint third place with 4 attacks each.

In terms of why iOS is so well-protected against malware, Electronista points to Apple’s often-criticised tight controls on its apps, as opposed to Android’s more relaxed approach.

Source: McAfee: Android malware surges 76%, iPhone untouched | Electronista

iPhone, iPad untouched by mobile malware attacks | TiPb

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