iOS Now has 27 Percent of US Smartphone Market

iOS Now has 27 Percent of US Smartphone Market


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Jun 18, 2010
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AppleInsider reports that according to the latest figures released by comScore today, Apple has had more good news regarding its share of the smartphone market, with iOS gaining 1 percent to take it up to a 27 percent share of the Top Smartphone Platforms in the US market for the last quarter. Google’s Android OS saw an increase of 5.4 percent in the last quarter, taking up to 41.8 percent of smartphones in the US, but RIM saw a drop of 4 percent, and was joined by Microsoft with a drop of 1 percent, and Symbian with a drop of 0.4 percent.

According to comScore’s figures, 82.2 million people in the US owned smartphones in the last quarter ending in July 2011, which is a climb from 10 percent for the April quarter.

As far as hardware manufacturers for smartphones and mobile phones in general are concerned, Samsung comes out on top with 25.5 percent of the market. Apple was the only other manufacturer in the top 5 to make any gains, with an increase of 1.2 percent to take it up to a 9.5 percent share of total mobile subscribers.

Source: AppleInsider | Apple continues to gain US smartphone share as iOS hits 27%
ragul96 said:
Hmm..Google beat Apple in the ranking. Quite sad to see though..

It's not that sad. There are 4 iPhones. Compared to the hundreds of android devices. Apple has a pricetag while android has cheap devices. More and more android users are porting over. Though
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