iPhone 3GS 5.0.1 jailbroken with iPad baseband... Can I update?

iPhone 3GS 5.0.1 jailbroken with iPad baseband... Can I update?


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Dec 30, 2012
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Nearly a year ago, I bought a second-hand iPhone 3GS. It didn't activate at first, even after jailbreaking, so I brought it to this guy whom I paid to make it work for me. I'm not entirely sure what he did to it, but I guess he jailbroke it and changed the baseband...

I would very much like to update my iphone to iOS 6, but before I do so, I would like to know:
1. how I can find out what this guy actually changed on my iPhone (I can't find him, vanished off the face of the earth)
2. if it is safe for me to update
3. How to do that.

I would appreciate it if any of you could help me with this.

1. He hacktivated it and probably unlocked it
2. Yes, but you'll have to hacktivate and unlock it once again
3. First check if your 3GS is an old or new bootrom. To find this out, check the serial. If it's MB its an old bootrom, if it's MC it's a new bootrom.

For an old bootrom, you can flash the iPad Baseband and then downgrade to unlock or unlock it on the iPad Baseband. For the new bootrom, you'll have to use the stock baseband only. First restore your iPhone 3GS using a DFU restore. To do so, you'll need to download the iOS 6.0.1 IPSW here, put the iPhone into DFU mode, then shift+click Restore in iTunes.


After you're on iOS 6.0.1, you'll need to download the iOS 6.0 here, yes, six point zero.


Download RedSn0w 0.9.15 beta 3 here


Run RedSn0w as admin. Click on Extras > Select IPSW, and point it to the iOS 6.0 IPSW, not the 6.0.1, the 6.0 one. Back, then click Jailbreak. Put the device into DFU mode again. When you have the list of tickboxes, tick "Install Cydia", "Deactivate", and if elligible, tick "Install/Flash iPad Baseband". Click Next. Wait for the magic to happen. Once you're jailbroken, you shouldn't need to activate it and you should be on the lock screen with the slider. Slide and open Cydia. Install the UltraSn0w repository in Cydia. Download and install UltraSn0w. Then download and install the UltraSn0w Fixer for iOS 6. After installing both, do a quick reboot and see if the hacktivate is still intact.
You, mister Willerz2, are awesome. Thank you very much.