IPhone 3gs ... Keyboard issue.. MAJOR!!!!!

IPhone 3gs ... Keyboard issue.. MAJOR!!!!!


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Apr 12, 2012
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So.. i will do my best to make this short. Today and today only, all of a sudden... my IPhone 3gs with the latest software update, is crashing like crazy. The only thing different that occurred today that may have caused this is that I downloaded an Emoji app ontop of the Emoji app I already had thinking that it will fix an issue I was having where my boyfriends (IPhone 4 user) phone couldn't see my Emoji's during text conversations.

Now, all I did was turn my phone off and then on again after downloading the new App, and now it keeps freezing. My keyboard is not functioning... my texts don't appear as I type. It just freezes until one of letters decides to show up in the field. I deleted the emoji apps and the emoji keyboard from the settings... restarted again, and still. Same issue. What should I do? I've never had this problem before until now. :( Help!!!
No.. would that require a sync? Does that restore to factory settings or something?
All I did was Hold down the top button and home button at the same time. And then waited, and turned it on again.
did you ignore the slider to power off and continue holding until the apple appeared?
im stuck now but I'm sure someone will come along to help you.
I appreciate your help ... I've also learned that my phone wont accept calls and its freezes when I try to place a call as well. :(
sorry to hear that,hopefully you will find an answer,good luck.
Status update: went home, backed my device up, restored to factory settings, and performed a restore from backup... and STILL!! Same issue. Its now worse then before. It crashes even more and rebooted on its own over and over again. I'm lost.
Thanks for the response... What I did first was restore to factory settings and disconnected the device from Laptop. It was still doing the same thing as far as freezing and rebooting so I went ahead and said "screw it, let me restore from back up". So i did that, same issue. Then lastly I decided to restore it from a backup from like a month ago to see if maybe that would fix it. Negative :( same problem. There is an Iphone repair place I'm taking my phone to this afternoon but I am concerned that my phone is no good anymore. Any other words of advice Xrayeyes?
The only other thing I could suggest is totally clearing it only using your phone. Do not hook it up to iTunes at all and see what it does totally "naked". Do not install any of your apps, contacts, music, etc and see what happens. If the problem is still there, I would take it to an Apple store to see if they can help you out.
If i erase all content manually from the device... am I still able to re-add content from any of my backups my Laptop through Itunes? or does this do some type of "over the air erase" as well where if I do it manually, my backup on the laptop will be erased as well?
Update: Manually deleted all content and data back to naked status... and first this it did was Freeze as soon as I slide the bar to unlock the screen. And when I finally got past that part, it froze when it went into a step in the configuration where I had to use the keyboard. Keyboard is still not functioning. And to believe the phone was fine until I did a "Hard reset" yesterday Morning. Unreal.. so to a repair shop I got later. :/

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