iPhone 4 and 4S sync problems on College Wifi system.

iPhone 4 and 4S sync problems on College Wifi system.


New Member
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Aug 31, 2012
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Atlanta, GA
Hi, I am a freshman at Georgia Tech. Until I came here about two weeks ago, I could sync my iPhone to iTunes (latest version) by USB and by Wifi without problem. However, since I got to GT, I have not been able to sync. The Wifi is WPA-protected (if it matters) My computer recognizes it (Samsung QX Series, Windows 7 x64), but iTunes does not. I asked around and many students are having the same problem! I have tried turning off the Wifi radio on my computer, and putting my iPhone in Airplane mode, and this has not fixed the problem. I also tried restarting my computer, reinstalling iTunes, installing an older version of iTunes, reinstalling the Apple Mobile Device Server, stopping and restarting this server, system restoring, resetting the Windows catalog, and of course, just trying it each day! But nothing has worked!! Any ideas?