Iphone 4 and itunes match compatibility

Iphone 4 and itunes match compatibility


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Jun 10, 2011
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I have an iphone 4 and a Macbook Air with Lion installed hence I now have access to itunes Match and icloud.

I have now completed exporting my itunes library to icloud and have finished the matching and uploading process so I can now access my itunes library on all my IOS5 devices. So far so good! My itunes library on my Macbook Air is all tagged correctly and all albums play through in the correct order on my Macbook Air. Again so far so good.

The issue I have concerns my iphone. To be precise, I have several albums entitled "Greatest Hits" and the songs within these albums are mixed up only on my iphone. An example is Whitney Houston's Greatest Hits. When I touch the album artwork from the "Albums" tab at the bottom of the screen, the screen opens up with Ray Charles Greatest Hits and that albums artwork at the top with the playlist below comprising of all the songs in the correct order but for other artists as well as Whitney Houston and Ray Charles. So, when I go to play Whitney Houston's Greatest Hits, I actually see the following:

1 song abc
Ray Charles
1 song abc
1 song abc
The Rolling Stones
1 song abc
Whitney Houston

This is repeated for each track from 1 to however many tracks there are on each album.

When I go into another artists album entitled "Greatest Hits" the same thing happens.

I have tried deleting the affected albums from icloud and reloading them to no avail and I have carefully tagged the songs so I am confident that the error is not mine.

Has anyone else had this problem and are there any work arounds or am I not doing something right. It only affects albums with the same title so I feel that it is something to do with icloud not being able to distinguish between the various albums and so dumps them all in one album.

Please help.
You might want to unsync all songs out from the iPhone, hard reset your iPhone after unsyncing the songs out from the iPhone, not sync your iPhone only with iCloud music match, or only with your computer iTunes musics. Make sure you turn of iCloud match feature in your iPhone if you decide to sync using your computer iTunes, or uncheck music tab in iTunes if you decide to sync your iPhone with iCloud music match. Hope that sort out your issue.