Iphone 4 battery charge

Iphone 4 battery charge


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Mar 3, 2011
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This is the first time this has happened. I charged my phone yesterday evening to 100% and used it abt 5 min. This morning I tried to turn it on.
It was stone dead!! What happened?
I have had the phone abt 4 months.
You sure that there was nothing runing in the background? There have to be something running while the phone was in sleep mode all the night.
When I shut it down last nite everything was like it always is when I quit using it.
Ok then. Try it few more times see if the battery drain will happen again. If yes, take it to apple.
I'd 1st try turning the phone off then on to clear any background tasks, then see if it happens the next morning.

Anything using gps will hammer the battery

app on the background will drain your battery even if your phone is on sleep mode?
app on the background will drain your battery even if your phone is on sleep mode?

Yes, depending on what the app Is about. Bluetooth, push mail, skype of runing in the background, bad signal reception, this are things capable of draining your battery even if your phone is in sleeping mode.
I'd 1st try turning the phone off then on to clear any background tasks, then see if it happens the next morning.

Anything using gps will hammer the battery


That wont do anything turning the phone off just pauses whatever is on. Do a reset by holding the power button and the home button for 10 sec till you see the apple logo that will clear background tasks.
My Iphone 4 works just fine now. I was running a GPS.
Thanks to all,

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