iPhone 4 behavior

iPhone 4 behavior


Active Member
Thread Starter
Nov 8, 2014
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No. California
Recently, my iPhone 4 has been behaving strangely. Periodically, it's sluggish when opening an app - sometimes freezing up mid way through it. And sometimes it's sluggish even in typing a message. I can sometimes get three or four characters ahead of what shows up on the screen, and I'm a one-finger typer.

There are a couple apps that will just freeze up about halfway through opening up while others don't seem to be affected at all.

Has anyone else experienced this and, if do, what did you do to straighten it up?? Thanks for any input...

The other thread you started on the same topic has been deleted. Besides fragmenting the conversation and making it hard to follow, duplicate posts are against our rules.
Please keep any discussion of your problem to this thread.

Is there something you already tried to resolve this?

Just a few suggestions:
Restart your iPhone - turn it off and on again.
Reset it - press and hold Home and Power button until the Apple logo appears. Let go of both, the iPhone will power up on it's own.

Though these are not drastic measures, they might help with your issues.
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Thanks, J.A. Didn't mean to break any rules. It just occurred to me that the title I chose for this thread might be somewhat off-putting and that by creating a more intriguing title (subject) I might get a response or three.

Thanks, too, for your suggestions. I did try restarting (rebooting) my phone but haven't yet tried resetting it. I'm still a bit gun-shy with anything about 're-setting' my phone after that last fiasco resulting from trying to increase the number of rings before voicemail kicks in. I'm sure you recall that one.

Does the re-set you're speaking of have any inherent danger of causing that kind of problem? Does it, for example, re-set the phone to original default settings, etc? I don't wish to go through that again with it's loss of passwords, contacts, etc.....
No problem. If you want to change the thread title, just tell me what it should be, and I'll help you.

The reset I was suggesting doesn't remove any data or settings. It's also called "rebooting" by others. I just use Apple's terminology: Restart or reset your iPhone iPad or iPod touch - Apple Support
Although Apple tells to reset your device as a last resort, it's often very useful when something isn't working as expected.
Ha ha.... I may have chosen it well but it sure didn't bring in many responses. LoL. Now, though, since you've broken the ice maybe some other folks will respond with info and/or suggestions.

And after reading about the reset on Apple's page I think I'll pass. It sounds too much like what I've just been through. Thanks for the suggestion, though.
Resetting is one of the usual fixes I suggest. You can trust me: nothing in your settings will be changed, nor will you lose anything. If it doesn't help, it won't do any harm. Just give it a try. :)
:-). Please don't take this wrong... I'm really not trying to be argumentive... But that's just what the gal at AT&T told me. LoL.

Okay, so assuming I try your suggestion and it ends up causing the same kind of problems I just had - then what?? Should I perhaps first sync with iTunes or backup my phone to the cloud or to iTunes before I try your suggestion?
I'm really sorry that I can't convince you to try it, but I do understand why you're in doubt, after your experience. It's not the same reset as tapping a button in Settings. All it does or could do is remove "hiccups" with the software. :)

Yes, you could backup your device first, although it shouldn't be necessary. It's always good to have a most recent backup, just in case. :)
HOO HOO!! I'm BAaacckk.. It was kinda tense there, for a minute. Actually for about three and a half minutes. It took that long for the Apple logo to go away. Then the screen flashed and everything went black. Another minute or so and I was able to power back up and Voila!! Things seem to be working better and more crisply than before. I'll be watching it for a while but, for now at least, I think this suggestion might have done the job.

Thanks again, J.A. I really appreciate your help.....

Have a great day... :)
I previously told my MIL about JAs reset. It cured a number of problems for her. She thinks I'm a genius! LOL

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