iphone 4 syncing issue

iphone 4 syncing issue


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Aug 4, 2012
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Okay so I got an iphone 4 and the problem is that every time I try to sync it, it stops on Determining apps to sync doesn't sync anything, no music, no apps, no nothing! It's really annoying! I'm getting an error and this is the error report that's coming up! I tried restarting my phone but still not working! Please help me with this! Thank you! $error.webp
I'm having the same exact issue, my phone is also jailbrokeb but it can't be simply that because other people aren't having this issue and their phones are also jailbroken. If you find out the solution or cause please post it and I'll do the same. I'm doing a lot of research on this, if you want you can give me your email and I'll be sure to reply direct as soon as I find something of note.
Streets05 said:
I'm having the same exact issue, my phone is also jailbrokeb but it can't be simply that because other people aren't having this issue and their phones are also jailbroken. If you find out the solution or cause please post it and I'll do the same. I'm doing a lot of research on this, if you want you can give me your email and I'll be sure to reply direct as soon as I find something of note.

Okay what I did was make a new User on my computer and installed the iTunes on the new user and it synced fine! Now the downfall was that all the apps that I already had on iTunes saved, downloaded again which took a long time! And I had to copy paste the music, tones, photos etc on the new user obviously for all the data! Try this! And my email is kaiya1990@gmail.com
Let me know if you find a better solution to this problem! :) thanks! Will look forward to your email!
Ugh what is up with this? I don't understand! It's doing the same thing again! :/ I have 19.1 fb of free space and it's taking forever to back up and when it does, it just stops syncing!