iPhone 4 T-Mobile sim help

iPhone 4 T-Mobile sim help


New Member
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May 31, 2011
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Could anyone tell me if this type of sim card is compatible with the iphone 4? would I have to buy a new one?

I know you can cut the card and unlock the phone for tmobile, but i want to know if the design on this sim card will work for the iphone.

Thank you.


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It's a sim card and yes it will work on iphone4 but you know that you have to cut it micro.
This sim card is not the one going to unlock your iphone, you will have to either use a software to unlock, or buy a kinda sim card which is designed only to unlock iphones.
yeah i know i have to cut it to micro size, and I know the sim doesnt unlock it, im waiting for a software unlock cuz my baseband isnt unlockable yet. (4.10.01) and im gonna skip on buying sim cards that unlock, ill just wait for software

I just want to know if this type of sim card is compatible cuz I have been hearing that some tmobile sim cards wont work on iphone 4 cuz tmobile released new ones and those have different designs on the metal chip, just making sure it works before I cut it and it ends up not working... :/
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Ok, I don't have any accurate info about those tmobile sim cards.

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