iphone 4 tethering and itunes question

iphone 4 tethering and itunes question


New Member
Thread Starter
Jun 9, 2011
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Hello, new guy to the forum here with a question.

I recently got an iphone 4 with the tethering option. The question I have concerns the fact that you are required to install itunes on any computer that you will tether to. Any time you hook up the phone to your laptop, itunes connects and opens up. Is this counting towards my monthly data usage? If it does, is there a way to keep itunes from opening up every time you connect?
If I'm not mistaken, in iTunes, go to your device to the left and there should be an option at the bottom that says to automatically sync your device when it is connected. Make sure that's off.
If not there, you can go under "preferences" and "advance" and then deselect it there.