Iphone 4 to itunes sync problem

Iphone 4 to itunes sync problem


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Aug 5, 2011
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iTunes has recently stopped working and closing on me every time I sync it to iPhone 4... It gets to music part after backing up and box pops up saying there is a problem and iTunes has to be closed.. I havent done anything different to either one for this to have happened.. Might be latest update I have installed on phone.. Anyone else had problems like this or know what it could be?? I have reinstalled iTunes and I have restored phone to try elemintate problem....
My iPhone 4, 4.3.3, won't complete a sync with iTunes in Windows 7. In fact, it hangs at the backup stage, so I can't even restore it. After several hours I give up and end up "slide to Cancel", and ultimately have to use Task Manager to force iTunes to quit. I have tried this 10 times now, after performing PC repairs, disk repairs, reinstalling iTunes, rebooting the iPhone, rebooting the PC... All to no benefit.
I'm usually willing to help by recreating the problem and trying to fix the issue myself but this is a issue I have never heard of and can't even imagine how to get that.

If either of you have a antivirus installed on your pc, turn it off while trying to sync. See if that helps.
Truckmaster70 said:
My iPhone 4, 4.3.3, won't complete a sync with iTunes in Windows 7. In fact, it hangs at the backup stage, so I can't even restore it. After several hours I give up and end up "slide to Cancel", and ultimately have to use Task Manager to force iTunes to quit. I have tried this 10 times now, after performing PC repairs, disk repairs, reinstalling iTunes, rebooting the iPhone, rebooting the PC... All to no benefit.

I had this problem with mine, but luckily I was still under warranty with Apple, so I gave them a ring and he talked me through it over the phone. Works a treat now! Don't ask me what was sone I was to busy following instructions. My tip is phone Apple customer services
I had manually removed all checks on apps and music etc.. Found out it was in my movies, some helmet camera footage I had converted to mp4 file.. It wouldn't allow me to sink about 20 movie files at once but eventually I got them all on there In smaller doses.. Weird but that's what happened..
azzabrute said:
I had manually removed all checks on apps and music etc.. Found out it was in my movies, some helmet camera footage I had converted to mp4 file.. It wouldn't allow me to sink about 20 movie files at once but eventually I got them all on there In smaller doses.. Weird but that's what happened..

azzabrute said:
I had manually removed all checks on apps and music etc.. Found out it was in my movies, some helmet camera footage I had converted to mp4 file.. It wouldn't allow me to sink about 20 movie files at once but eventually I got them all on there In smaller doses.. Weird but that's what happened..

Good to know for when it happens to someone else. Mine wasn't that bad I don't think
Am having this same issue and have done everything (re installs, reboots, deleting old backups) I can find on the net till now.. including the yelling at it... still didn't work!

Am going to try to do the sync on a different PC and see what happens then will try the untick apps, music and movies etc and see how I go. Will report back as this is a REALLY annoying problem and if anyone else has it they would want to know the soloution!
