iPhone 4 Verizon SMS problem! Help! *Video*

iPhone 4 Verizon SMS problem! Help! *Video*


New Member
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Jul 23, 2011
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Basically my SMS loading bar will load right almost at the end then stop and it wont send! Here's a video explaining it! Please help!
Im Jailbroken too just a FYI

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iB7-RotRmUU]‪Jailbroken iPhone 4 *Verizon* SMS Problem! Help!‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
umm.. Mine does this when i have low signal..

Im JB on VZW too btw.
Could me not being on the newest iOS be the problem?
Nah. I highly doubt that it's anything to do with not being in the newest iOS.

I'm on 4.2.8 myself and im having no problems at all. My girls mother is in 4.2.6 and is also JB and is having no problems.

Have you downloaded any tweaks that couldn't have caused this? SMS tweaks?

Try updating your roaming by dialing*228 and pressing send as well. Could help.

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