iPhone 4 winterboard themes not displaying properly?

iPhone 4 winterboard themes not displaying properly?


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Sep 4, 2010
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I have a Jailbroken iPhone 4 (v4.0.1) and when I download themes from Cydia or RockApp, even the HD ones which are for iPhone 4 only, the theme wallpapers dont display properly. All icons and lockscrreen wallpapers and other bits work fine, its ONLY the Home Screen Wallpaper thats part of the themes that dont display.

I get a black screen on the top left quarter of the wallpaper:

attached an example!

Couldnt find anyone with similar issues on the net! Some say winterboard doesnt work properly with iPhone4 or iOS4 yet I see videos/pics of ppl showing its working fine.

Some other ppl say its the HDwallpaper file which isnt recognised by winterboard and u need to add a @2x prefix at the end of the image file via SSH?



  • $iphone.webp
    4.1 KB · Views: 486
Some other ppl say its the HDwallpaper file which isnt recognised by winterboard and u need to add a @2x prefix at the end of the image file via SSH?


The @2x will double the image size so it should fill up your back ground.

What is the back ground image tho? Is it just plain black? If so you could just transfer a black image to your photos folder on your phone via iTunes. Then set it as the wall paper.
The @2x will double the image size so it should fill up your back ground.

Whats the process? do you know? For ex, SSH into which folder and which file to rename?

What is the back ground image tho? Is it just plain black? If so you could just transfer a black image to your photos folder on your phone via iTunes. Then set it as the wall paper.

No bg image is the grey one you can see in my attachment - as part of the theme. I have NO black wallpaper anywhere. Im not sure where that black bit on the screen is coming from. I tried setting my own wallpapers from Photos, but no luck (even when User Wallpaper priority is at the top in winterboard).
Hmm in that case I don't know. There must be some kind of clash then going on with the theme in winterboard and yes it's possible certain parts aren't compatible with IOS4 yet.
If only they can come out with some sort of Winterboard HD for iphone 4's only, that would be cool! Or atleast an update to the existing one...oh well...time will tell. Thanks for ur assistance though!
agreed... somewhat off topic but related, I've given up trying to find battery themes that work... even ones that I think are supposed to be 4.0+ compatible evidently aren't...
I was searching on a lot of forum about my problem for a long time. Finally I found the solution. When downloading a wallpaper with Cydia on my jailbreak iPod touch it was not visible in the settings/general/wallpaper folder ! I use the program winSCP to connect to my iPod touch and locate the wallpaper folder inside private/var/stash/wallpaper. The downloaded wallpaper are effectively there but the extension is .jpg but it should be .png Just rename the wallpaper file this way and go back to tour ipod - now it will be visible inside the settings. It works for me anyway.

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