iPhone 4S "3G" versus "E" Cellular Data--Why Not Selectable?

iPhone 4S "3G" versus "E" Cellular Data--Why Not Selectable?


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Jul 4, 2010
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Been posted before, I know, but need to rant again. With my iPhone 4 I could run on EDGE, or "E" all day long by turning "Enable 3G" OFF, getting my data (although slower), and end the day at 70% battery. With my 4S I can only choose "Cellular Data" on or off, and it defaults to 3G. As you can see from these images sometimes "E" is all it can lock into, and it saves me battery. The "E" network below was in the mens room of a high rise office building in Fort Worth. Why the #%@! can't I select this AT&T?!


Sometimes when 3G not available:
iOS 5.1 should have the capability when it's released. I have an iPhone 4S with 5.1 beta3, and this software has the option for the 4S. Hopefully they keep this option in the final build of the software.
I bought my iPhone 4 (with iOS 4.8) last June and I never had this option through Verizon. It would be nice if they offered the option with a new update though.
xrayeyes said:
I bought my iPhone 4 (with iOS 4.8) last June and I never had this option through Verizon. It would be nice if they offered the option with a new update though.

There is no ios 4.8. Didu mean 4.2.8?

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