iPhone 4S Crashing Constantly

iPhone 4S Crashing Constantly


New Member
Thread Starter
Apr 29, 2012
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My iPhone 4S running 5.0.1 Crashing Constantly.
Its Jailbroken. I did not install anything new from cydia recently.
It started crashing all of a sudden. After rebooting, it gets to the lock screen for a second and springboard crashes again.
Below is a link to my crash report. If anyone can help me out and give me an idea as to what I can do to fix this issue I would appreciate it.
Thank you in advance.

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kingspadess said:
My iPhone 4S running 5.0.1 Crashing Constantly.
Its Jailbroken. I did not install anything new from cydia recently.
It started crashing all of a sudden. After rebooting, it gets to the lock screen for a second and springboard crashes again.
Below is a link to my crash report. If anyone can help me out and give me an idea as to what I can do to fix this issue I would appreciate it.
Thank you in advance.

Do you have a tweak installed to control iPod media controls?
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