Iphone 4s help please

Iphone 4s help please


New Member
Thread Starter
May 31, 2012
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I recently bought an iphone 4s off of craigslist BC Canada. I restored the phone and put in my sim card and came to the conclusion that the phone was locked to a different carrier than what was advertised. Now I have a working iphone 4s whose original carrier i do not know and can not find out. I was wondering if there is a gevey sim that will activate my iphone 4s for me and unlock it. The iphone is on ios 5.1.1 it is the A1387 and on the baseband 2.0.12. Jail breaking is not an option because the new absinthe requires the phone to be activated first. If anyone can link me on where to buy a gevey sim that will activate and unlock my phone that would be nice or any other help or solution would be nice.

If anyone can help me that would be greatly appreciated, I am just hoping I am not out 600$

Thanks for your time!

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