iPhone 5 battery life with ios7

iPhone 5 battery life with ios7


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Sep 20, 2013
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My iPhone 5 has never got great battery life, about 4 to 5 hours on a full charge to empty. Since I've put ios7 it's 3 to 4 tops. Does anyone actually get what Apple posts for battery life? I've had iPhones since 2008 and have never got what Apple claims. If I just stream music with the screen off I might get about 6 hours, but still much less than Apple claims.
Calibrate your device a few times. If anything, drop by the Genius Bar and have them run diagnostics on it

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Turn off background refresh under settings>general. See if it helps.

I've done all the steps to help battery life but still getting poor battery life. I have an appointment with the Genius Bar tomorrow. I hope they can fix it.

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